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Be A Host -
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Ready to start?

Signing up as a host doesn't put you under any sort of obligation. It just allows you to receive emails of upcoming tours and events. You decide what events to participate in and how. It couldn't be simpler!

Perks of Promoting

Becoming an event host with Audiobookworm Promotions is a great opportunity to receive easy exposure for your blog and reviews. Each time you host an event, your name (or blog name) will be out there in the right circles.

Nearly every blog tour, hosts will have the opportunity to enter in a giveaway for items such as Amazon gift cards, kindles, audiobooks of your choice, and subscriptions to various audiobook services. Reviewers will, of course, also be receiving free audiobooks. Need I say more?


The number one requirement for becoming an event host with Audiobookworm Promotions is enthusiasm! This can be expressed in any number of ways, as long as you are excited to be promoting audiobooks!

The second most important thing an event host needs to be is dependable. Authors, narrators, and publishers will be depending on you to bring your A-game. If you sign up for a promotion, please deliver. Remember that I'm always here to support you. This is a team effort.

If you cannot post the promotion on the designated day, please let me know as soon as possible (preferably at least a week in advance). I find that using calendars and planners--either electronic or paper-- greatly decreases my amount of stress and helps me stay organized.

IMPORTANT: Book readers welcome too! You do not have to be an exclusive audiobook listener/ blogger/reviewer to become an event host with Audiobookworm Promotions. You only have to be willing to accept audiobooks for review and/or promotion. You will only receive audiobook review/promotion opportunities from Audiobookworm Promotions, not book or eBook.

Having a blog is not a requirement, but it is preferred for maximum participation. There are a few types of events that can be carried out via social media. If you don't have a blog, don't sweat it. Just make sure I am aware that you won't be posting to a blog.


There are also a few guidelines event hosts will be expected to follow:

For reviews: You must review the narration and sound quality of the audiobook, in addition to the story. I can give you pointers if you've never done this before.
• For reviews: Be polite in your criticisms. They're more effective that way. And remember, you are talking about an actual person's hard work. Honesty doesn't mean you have to be unnecessarily harsh. There's always a nicer way to say the same thing.
• For reviews: If you rate and audiobook under 3.5 stars*, don't post it during an event. Contact me a few days before it is supposed to be posted and we can arrange for another promotional post to be done. * The preferred star rating may vary depending on the author or narrator (I'll let you know if it does).

For promotions: Promote! Promote! Promote! Social media can be a beautiful thing. I'm not concerned with the number of followers you have right now and you shouldn't be either. What you should focus on is the number of followers you could have. Tours are an incredible way to connect with quality followers (not spambots who falsely inflate your numbers). I'll be supporting you on social media and so will those being promoted.

• For reviews and promotions: Reviews and promotions should be posted by 10am EST on the scheduled day. Most blogs have automatic scheduling features, so it would be wise to use them. West coast, I'm talking to you!
• For reviews and promotions: Interview questions and guest post topics should be sent to me for approval at least 2 weeks before the scheduled posting date. Email me if you need help coming up with questions or topics (or just want something proofread). Remember that questions and topics should directly pertain to the audiobook being promoted, unless otherwise advised.


Want to give it a try?